Monday, May 31, 2010

Incest Death Squad 2 (Trailer)

Cory Udler dropped me a line telling me the trailer to the sequel to his overseas cult sensation Incest Death Squad is now available for public consumption. As you know, the original DVD cover art had my quote of the trailer up on it which I'm really proud of. I also reviewed the original to a mixed rating.But Udler has told me part 2 has nixed its Troma-ish color and got seriously serious and gritty. Hardcore shit for Incest Death Squad 2? We shall...

Friday, May 28, 2010

When Roommates Attack: 2LDK (Watch the entire film!)

How do I find some of the movies I watch? It's usually via 6 degrees. You watch one film from a director (in this case Kitamura) and that leads to another film which leads to another, etc. Or then again, I ask Insano Steve what he's been watching.2LDK is one of those films.Part of the Duel Project (read about that here) Yukihiko Tsutsumi's 70 minute roommate versus movie is part black humor part chick on chick violence. And it's fuckin awesome on...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

WTF Films: Subconscious Cruelty

I've documented how my horror persona "the jaded viewer" came to be. With posts about the 5 Horror Movies that shaped my horror psyche and 5 websites that inspired this site, its a little glimpse into how the jaded viewer became jaded. The fact that I did a bit of horror trading back in the day has indeed made me witness some of the worst the best and the WTF of horror films.But I'm going old school here. Some of you have heard of Subconscious Cruelty....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5 More TV Shows You May Have Forgotten

After bringing you all a list of 5 supernatural TV shows you may have forgotten, I've come up with more TV shows that I used to watch back in the day. Some are from years back, others are from the 90s. Mind you, back in the 90s, cable wasn't the way it is now and only a few channels were standard back in the day.Much of the exotic TV came in the form of syndicated shows and basically Fox putting anything on broadcast TV.In any case, these are some...

Monday, May 24, 2010

The WTF List: Lost and the Series Finale

As somebody who has watched Lost since it debuted, you always feel sad when a series you've been following for 6 years ends. So after watching the series finale, I thought I'd recap the finale with a WTF list but instead I'll do a list of what I liked about the show.Sure I know some of you are NOT Lost fans so feel free to come back tomorrow and back to your regularly scheduled program. For you Losties, let's look back on some jaded leftover thoughts...

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Back Room (A Short Story)

[I wanted to share with all of you a semi-autobiographical short story I wrote when I was in college. I won numerous awards for this particular story and actually read it at a cafe in front of my friends, classmates and a few strangers. Part of my extensive knowledge of horror, exploitation and indie movies and my quirky sense of humor was the fact that I actually worked in a few video stores back when I was younger. This story was the result of...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill! (Review)

Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill! Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill! (2006)Directed by Chad FerrinI'm not a rookie when it comes to sleaze indie horror. I've seen the crappy side (see Hanger) and I've seen the good shit (see Header). But I had not seen a Chad Ferrin exploitation joint. Well that is until now.Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill! is pure unrelenting sleaze slasher horror that throwsbacks to all that was awesome during the 70s grindhouse era. It's a mirror image...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Random List of things you DON'T see in horror movies

A fat, black final girlAn Asian kid kung fu-ing a slasherA slasher running on screen chasing teenagersA fully functioning GPS on a road tripA fully charged cell phoneA slasher married with 2 kids and a dogFull on penetrationA kid that doesn't whisper in Satanic versesA bunch of teens who listen to "the crazy old man telling them about the killer" and then hightail out of the woods and to a McDonald'sA McDonald'sA slasher who chases a victim around...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Old Scratch (Teaser Trailer)

I may be in the minority as one of the horror fans who loved Laid to Rest (full review here). I gave it 3 spinkicks even ranked it #8 on my Top 10 Horror Movies of 2009. So no doubt I would have the director, Robert Hall on my radar to see what he would come up with next.So news via Bloody Disgusting and got me excited when the teaser trailer for Hall's new film debuted. It's called Old Scratch and it takes that record played backward...

Monday, May 17, 2010

The WTF List: Nightmare on Elm Street (Remake)

I took every body's advice and didn't watch this movie in the theater. I ahem....watched this movie via the magic of the internet. Bless you internet for saving me $12. Thanks to Insano Steve, we were able to dissect this heap of piling, smelly crap from the comfort of my home.Sure, it wasn't the best quality, but at least I didn't spend my hard earned money eating overpriced popcorn next to Joe and Joanna Moviegoer and a couple of Jabronis. Let...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Spiral Downward to Irrelevancy of Sarah Michelle Gellar

More than a Forgotten Horror Hottie, Sarah Michelle Gellar is iconic when it comes to kick ass girls. With Whedon is my Master's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gellar stamped her mark playing the slaytastic heroine.So instead of posting a few pics and reading her resume, I wanted to examine...well what the happened to her career?I'm not saying she was the best actress, but with Buffy her performances were all top notch. Spewing that Slayer speak, emoting...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can you hear me now? (and other horror movie cliches)

AT&T and Verizon and their stupid maps are all lies. AT&T claims 97% coverage in most of America so does that mean 100% of horror movies where a phone doesn't work take place in this remaining 3%?I guess it does. Well I have nothing new today to post so you get a Dharma Initiative: GENERIC HORROR BLOG CLICHE POST.Enj...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Legend of Red Room

Sometimes an underground film becomes legendary becomes it avalanches into something more.During Insano Steve and myself's heyday of looking for the most fucked up films to watch, we'd have to make contact with horror traders to get our fix. I documented this in a post about Horror Trading circa 2002. It was a weird time and the standard protocol was this:You'd dub a movie on VHS in SP mode and make sure to tell your trading counterpart the quality...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

From the makers of Black Devil Doll comes.....BottomFeeder!

If you follow this online blogging publication, you know how much I praised Shawn Lewis Black Devil Doll so much, I might as well have been is internet slave. I even reviewed the book! So when I got the update of what Lowest Common Denominator's next flick was going to be, I got fuckin wet.It's not Black Devil Doll 2. Oh man, its waaaay fuckin better.Let me introduce you to the next big thing in rape monster horror.......Bottomfeeder!Look at the...

Monday, May 10, 2010

The WTF List: Iron Man 2

Oh let the summer popcorn flicks begin. Well, the first superhero movie of the year was Kick-Ass (which I absolutely loved). There will be plenty more robot action, but Iron Man 2 is solidly solid. I mean Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark with a carefree douchebaggery, its fun fun fun. Add in Gywneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson as your eye candy (is it me or does Scarlett's boobies get bigger every movie?) and its smash em up, blow em up action.So...

Friday, May 07, 2010

A Jaded Spotlight: Maurice Devereaux

OMG! Is this a new feature on the jaded viewer? Hell if I know. All I know is I wanted to spotlight Maurice Devereaux, a Canadian director who seems to be running hot in the horrorosphere.I'm not going to go into details on his bio (which you can Wikia here) but what I will spotlight are 2 of his movies and a short he directed. The first movie that put Devereaux on my radar was his Fangoria presents feature $lashers$. I actually own this movie on...

Thursday, May 06, 2010

More Gimmicky Horror: Cut (Trailer)

Maybe the jaded UK horror viewers have seen this movie already. So do chime in if you have. But here is yet another example of a horror movie using a gimmick to draw attention to itself. Nope it's not in 3D, nor does it have a viral marketing machine and it isn't a faux documentary or bill itself as "based on true events".Nope, that's not the gimmick. The gimmick is this:The entire movie is shot with one continuous take for 62 minutes.I gotta admit,...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

This is the only reason they are remaking Deadly Friend in 3D

Have you seen Wes Craven's Deadly Friend? Probably not. And you're not alone. I've seen it but it's been a while since I remembered while it's memorable. Well of course! It's the infamous basketball death scene which sticks out like Shaquille O'Neal at a little people convention. I posted the basketball scene a while back and now with news that Deadly Friend will be remade in 3D (which I freakin Nostradmused that would happen), the basketball scene...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Happy Town has hot women, good food and magicians!

Once in a while, you say to somebody..."Oh, I'd be more than happy to do that!"How can you be "More than happy?" To me, this sounds like a dangerous mental condition!"We had to put Dave in the mental home!""He was... whoa....""More than happy!"-George CarlinI always loved that quote from George Carlin. How can you be more than happy? Somebody lock anybody who is more than happy immediately!Somehow watching Happy Town, ABC's new TV show reminded...