Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Extraction (In Development Trailer)

The picture above has warranted some serious urban legend status. Americana hadn't really seen a camel spider and were of course freaked when this circulated on the interwebs. Stories were rampant. Mutant spiders attacking our soldiers?!? Holy fuckin arachnid! So you'd figure somebody would go ahead and create a horror movie by now based on this which is when I stumbled upon this doozy of a trailer from IDX Studios. It's a little SyFy original but...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Rec 2 (Review)

Rec 2Rec 2 (2009)Directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco PlazaI've admitted countless times I hate POV horror movies. Diary of the Dead and Cloverfield were pieces of crap in my opinion. But recently, I've been seeing some cinema verite/1st person POV horror that's been solid.Evil Things ended up #18 on my Top 20 Horror Movies of 2009. I gave the original Rec (review here) 2 spinkicks. It was scary as hell but just dizzying and generic zombie sorta...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Charts and Graphs make funnies

Magically deliciously tasty as you can see from the chart above. GraphJam.com, part of the Cheezburger network is hilarious. They are the community responsible for FAIL blog and Failbooking. Their user generated graphs are pretty LOL and perusing the non horror ones, you get into that Powerpoint sense of humor.So I've compiled the best horror graphs and charts from GraphJam.com below. Enjoy!see more Funny Graphssee more Funny Graphssee more Funny...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 things that would lead to a jaded viewer apocalypse

If you carefully read my reviews or features or whatever, I've come up with an inside joke or a running gag about the site. If somehow I ever got a quote from one of my REVIEWS on a DVD cover, I would immediately end the site.So far this has not happened as of yet. The probability of this happening I think is around 30%. Not too good because A.) most of my reviews have profanity and B.) I really doubt I have any good quotes a company or filmmaker...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Descent 2 (Review)

The Descent 2 The Descent 2 (2009)Directed by Jon HarrisWhen you make a sequel to a movie I declared as the best horror movie of 2006, I can only sigh repeatedly as I know it won't live up to expectations. So as I watched Descent 2, I knew I'd be scratching my head, WTF-ing and getting irritated by all the shot by shot suspenseful scenes being mimicked by the sequel.And yup I did all those things.What I didn't realize is how they'd strip the aura...

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Horseman (Review)

The HorsemanThe Horseman (2009)Directed by Steven KastrissiosIt's been a while since I've seen a straight balls hurtin revenge movie. I still believe Chan-wook Park's Oldboy is the standard though Kill Bill puts out the ultraviolence pretty solidly as well. But that's the past.Welcome to Australia's version of revenge.And as the old adage goes, if you see one uber violent revenge movie this year....well let it be The Horseman.Steven Kastrissio's...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Shortround: IFC Grindhouse Short Film Showcase

I caught this little compilation on IFC. It's IFC's Grindhouse Short Film Showcase and there are quite a couple of solid ones in here. A funny zombie film, a mini short by Lars Von Trier, a Polish short about a group of kids and a short starring David Arquette who has a nosebleed that doesn't stop.The 2 you can view online now are "I Love you Sarah Jane" and "Occupations". Also, I've included the trailer for "Nosebleed". I highly suggest you watch...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hot girls in tight tank tops stranded in the desert should be in 3D (Thirst Trailer)

Thirst, not to be confused with Chan-wook Park's vampire film Thirst, is so your standard Hollywood straight to DVD flick, it's so easy to make fun of. The greenlight process of a flick like this has gotta involve a conversation between studio execs that sorta goes like this:Studio Exec A: "So we got a budget of a few million for a horror film, what should we make?"Studio Exec B: "How about a horror movie where some young, good looking B-list actors...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Incest Death Squad 2 (Premiere Date and its Free Online!)

Cory Udler dropped me another line for Incest Death Squad 2. It seems all of us are going to see this for free on September 17th.Incest Death Squad 2 will premiere September 17th, 2010 live and free online at HorrorSociety.com. There will be one showing of the film for free at the website then the film will be available for sale at the film’s official website.Well that's some good news. I know its a few months away but Udler has told me this flick...

Monday, June 14, 2010

If You Had One Horror Genre Related Wish, What Would It Be?

Big Daddy Horror Reviews did an ongoing series on the question above. And I decided to take part.What was my answer?In a nutshell, I wanted to know where the Asian, Black and Hispanic final girls were in American Hollywood movies.Read my full response here.Well here is the addendum. You'd think by now we'd have a black or a hispanic girl lead our oversexed teenage victim fodder to the middle of Nowhere, USA. But no. We still got the white, sly and...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Temptation (Review)

TemptationTemptation (2009)Directed by Catherine TaylorThe UK too can churn out its own versions of DHARMA Initiative "GENERIC LESBIAN VAMPIRE FILM". The perfect example is Temptation, which plays out like a bad modern day Anne Rice novel.All the cliches are here and they follow a Macarena beat down to the super cliched very obvious ending.If I wanted my fix of a lesbian vampire film, I'd watch anything from Jess Franco. But you've gotta cash in...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Don't burn Rubber or your head will explode!

I posted a link to the teaser trailer for this on the jaded viewer Facebook page but I now think this little film from Quentin Dupieux's new movie Rubber deserves its own post. Back when I began watching the quirky films we all take for granted now, this concept of a psychic vengeful tire would have been on top of my list to see.I use to watch all the Alejandro Jodorowsky, David Lynch and others because they were bizarre, non linear and completely...

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

There is a 90% chance you will take a photo of a ghost

[FYI: A weird thing as I wrote this. I had almost completed the entire post when all of a sudden half the post got deleted. I then had to write this for a 2nd time. Jeez. Was it a ghosts? After effects of eating BP spilled oil seafood? I don't know but it was damn weird]Well I'm back. My friend Vic said "he had some shit he had to take care". Something in regards to tourists invading his swamp and he had to clean his hatchet again. Well maybe next...