Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monsters (Review)

MonstersMonsters (2010)Directed by Gareth Edwards"It's different looking at America from the outside in"-KaulderIt wasn't Gareth Edwards intention to make a film allegory about the US immigration policy with Mexico. But that's what comes out of Monsters, a sci fi Lost in Translation meets District 9 sorta film.It's also an excellent display of indie and guerrilla style filmmaking by Edwards, his crew and actors Scoot McNairy and the beautiful Whitney...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Shortround: Hike (Review)

From the jaded viewer inbox comes a another edition of The Shortround. The latest entry is Hike, from writer and director Jennifer Campbell. It's a shorty short, at about 7 minutes and is simple in its simplicity. Here be a synopsis.Hike is a horror short about what can happen when you go into the woods. A man and woman embark on a day trip, hiking to a remote area in the woods. No one is around, and they are alone. After awhile they stop to rest...

Monday, March 28, 2011

I've been chosen!!! (to attend the NYC Halloween Haunted House Spring Edition)

I'm glad to tell you I've been chosen to participate in the spring edition of NYC Halloween Haunted House. Woohoo!!! I'm excited and scared at the same time. It''s a little different as this haunted house is an invite only. You had to participate in the October Halloween Haunted House to get a chance to be invited to this one.I detailed my experience with last year's house in detail. Here are a few links:Original ReviewWalkthrough and SpoilersIt...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fatal Secrets (Review)

Fatal SecretsFatal Secrets aka Balancing the Books (2009)Directed by Meir SharonyI'll admit I've watched my share of Lifetime Movies of the week. I've even documented it on this here site. So what? Are you judging me?OK go ahead and judge because I recently watched another clone of these movies called Fatal Secrets. I wasn't expecting it to be a hardcore I Spit on your Grave rape and revenge nasty but maybe we'd see some psychological torture involved....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sucker Punch Photos are Weapons of Mass Erections

Ahh that photo above is my current wallpaper. I'm a big fan of Jamie Chung (and sort of a big fan of hot girls named "Jaime" in general). But that photo is clearly the PG for this PG-13 flick. There are a few more below that will get those guns cocked. (you see what I did there? I'm going to do that a lot)Sure on some level, I enjoyed Zach Snyder's other flicks (300 and Watchmen) and I predict that Sucker Punch will lead to one big Hollywood steampunk...

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Shortround: Blinky (tm) (Watch the full short!)

With The Shortround, sometimes I review shorts you guys never get to see as they are usually sent via screeners or are touring various film festivals. Well, that's not going to happen with this one because YOU can watch the full short below and read my review after. I'm kind of excited to see what you all thing about Ruairi Robinson's Blinky TM (aka Bad Robot). A sci-fi horror blend of Asimov wickedness.Robinson is an Irish filmmaker who has made...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Top 5 Slice and Dice Dismemberment Death Scenes

Umm this is kinda self explanatory. Slice and Dice deaths. Nuff said.5.) Resident EvilLasers are awesome!4.) Final Destintion 2Death sure is creative!3.) CubeOne of the first slice and dices I ever saw.2.) Ghost ShipIt's all about the body count here and seeing rich people sliced and diced makes me happy.1.) UnderworldIt takes him like 30 seconds to fall apart!Bonus Video!Here's a few more that include the one's above. I especially like the Slither...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Shortround: Waffle (Review)

Lets talk about waffles shall we?I got a quick short via the jaded viewer indie mailbox from director Rafael Deleon called Waffle. It's only a 5 minute short but it packs a punch in it's short running time. So what's this about?Disfigured science fair champion Wendy seems to have found a new, trustworthy friend in schoolmate Dana. Wendy even takes the step of inviting the girl to her house for dinner, despite being embarrassed by her proud mother....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rubber (Review)

RubberRubber (2011)Directed by Quentin Dupieux"Why is ET gray?....No reason""Why is the president killed by someone he's never met in JFK?....No reason""Why does Robert the tire kill people with his telekinetic powers?.....No reason"There is a lot of "no reason" in movies Quentin Dupieux through the character Lt Chad likes to tell us in the opening of Rubber. I'd never really given it great thought. Filmmakers slip in a deux ex machinas and you rarely...

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Jaded Viewer Giveaway: Win The Deadneks - Trilogy of Terror on DVD!

A few days ago, I reviewed The Deadneks - Trilogy of Terror for The Shortound.It's a 27 minute grindhouse short via Ruckus Productions. The Deadneks - Trilogy of Blood features the psychobilly music of The Deadneks as it mixes a music video and mini exploitation homage as 3 city girls wind up in Bumfuck Hillbilly USA.Here be the plot:When a trio of sexy city gals picks up a broken-down hillbilly in the backwoods of Virginia – the three kittens...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Director Eric England defends "cliched" Madison County trailer

I usually only post a trailer of an upcoming horror movie if I really like the flick or I think it's inventive, creative or unique. We can watch these trailers anywhere, so there really is no need to post it up on the jaded viewer.But I did get a press release for an upcoming slasher film called Madison County and I checked out the trailer. So what's this about?Madison County is about a group of college students that travel to a remote, mountain...

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Homemade Monster (Review)

Homemade MonsterHomemade Monster (2008)Directed by Brandon and Leia GadowFresh from the jaded viewer indie mailbox, I was sent a very DIY film by Brandon and Leia Gadow of Scumbag Films. When I say DIY, I mean it. Scumbag Films based out of San Diego is run by this husband and wife team and they do it all. Act, produce, write and direct. They've produced a wide variety of music driven films and in Homemade Monster, which was made for around $400...