Wednesday, March 31, 2010

After Dark Horrorfest 4: The Graves (Review)

As I mentioned before, I'm reviewing all the After Dark Horrorfest 4 movies on I've made up a hub for all my reviews. Keep checking back as it will be updated once the reviews go live on's a little excerpt from my review of The Graves."How could a movie that consisted of hot girls in tank tops with bouncy cleavage and two horror titans, Bill Moseley and Tony Todd end up a worthless pile of crap?The Graves is completely...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Please Subscribe (Trailer)

Stepping away from the horror universe for a sec, I wanted to post up the trailer for the documentary, Please Subscribe directed by CJ Wallis and the Soska Sisters. Yes, these are the same Soska Sisters who directed Dead Hooker in a Trunk and that evil short Bad Girls.Here they do a 180 and go into the documentary world and profile the world of the YouTube celebrity. Included in this doc are:Happy SlipDavid ChoiDaxFlameTay ZondayC'mon, you know who...

No Right Turn (DVD Release)

I reviewed this indie masterpiece from Denmark last year. David Noel Bourke's No Right Turn is best described my quoted quotable:"I've never seen anybody blend pulp crimeyness, film noir and fantasy all together! The fantastical twist in a pulp fiction cocktail is completely different from anything I've seen before. And that's the beauty of independent film."Well now you get a chance to witness this pulp crimeyness for yourself. It's been recently...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mirageman (Review)

MiragemanMirageman (2007)Directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza[this review is brought to you by Insano Steve, who after seeing this flick, got dressed up as superhero and started roaming the streets of NYC where he met a gang of thugs who kicked his ass, he should have seen Kick-Ass first]I was pretty psyched to see Mirage Man because of it's no nonsense action packed trailer. Our hero, Mirage Man is just a regular dude who fights crime without any of...

Friday, March 26, 2010

After Dark Horrorfest 4: Zombies of Mass Destruction (Review)

As I mentioned before, I'm reviewing all the After Dark Horrorfest 4 movies on I've made up a hub for all my reviews. Keep checking back as it will be updated once the reviews go live on's a little excerpt from my review of Zombies of Mass Destruction."The zom com has been riding a high of late. Gone is your traditional slow moving scare em shoot em up zombie horror. It's been replaced by parodying self aware zombie comedies...

After Dark Horrorfest 4: The Final (Review)

As I mentioned before, I'm reviewing all the After Dark Horrorfest 4 movies on I've made up a hub for all my reviews. Keep checking back as it will be updated once the reviews go live on's a little excerpt from my review of The Final."The best way to describe The Final is its Saw 90210. In a typical suburban high school, a group of self aware misfits and outcasted teens devise a plan (based on horror movies, oh how self...

After Dark Horrorfest 4: Killing Theory (Review)

As I mentioned before, I'm reviewing all the After Dark Horrorfest 4 movies on I've made up a hub for all my reviews. Keep checking back as it will be updated once the reviews go live on's a little excerpt from my review of Kill Theory."Kill Theory is not great but compared to the others, it's pretty solid. The premise is an intriguing one. The movie poses the question: What would you do to survive if given the choice to either...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Karl the Butcher is back! (Violent Shit 4 Trailer)

If this is the first time you've heard the name Andreas Schnaas, well I'm here to educate you my gorehound minions. Schnaas is the director of the infamous Violent Shit Trilogy. Let me take you to a time when horror bootleg VHS tapes at horror conventions were the norm and 3 German directors redefined the low budget splatter film.With Schnaas was Jorg Buttgereit (Nekromantik and Nekromantik 2) and Olaf Ittenbach (Premutos, Burning Moon). The only...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Day in the Life (Review)

A Day in the LifeA Day in the Life (2007)Directed by Sticky Fingaz[This review brought to you by Insano Steve, who while watching this movie gunned down 3 innocent bystanders]One day while mindlessly browsing the YouTubes, I stumbled upon the trailer for "A Day in the Life". Little did I know, I had just discovered the best black movie in at least the last 10 years.As a self-proclaimed expert in the modern blaxploitation genre, I had largely given...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

After Dark Horrorfest IV (Reviews)

Last year I saw 7 of the 8 films c/o of who asked me to review them all. Well this year they asked me to do it again and I squeamishly obliged. The last few movies I've seen via After Dark were mediocre at best. I even had a horrible time watching Perkins 14 at the theater. I gotta admit I enjoyed making fun of the films but that can only go so far. I really wanted to see some good films this year.One can hope.So this be the database for...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dead Hooker in a Trunk (Review)

Dead Hooker in a TrunkDead Hooker in a Trunk (2009)Directed by Jen and Sylvia SoskaSometimes I put a trailer up and hype up an indie film and then what happens is I actually never get to see the film. But when I put up the trailer for Dead Hooker in a Trunk I actually got a comment from the filmmakers themselves. It was a first and totally threw me in a loop.They even blogged about my initial thoughts which was super duper cool. Because of this...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kick-Ass (Review)

Kick-AssKick-Ass (2010)Directed by Matthew Vaughn"With no power comes no responsibility"-Kick-AssI had the super duper lucky opportunity to see Kick Ass early thanks to a Gate screening for the NYC premiere of Kick Ass. Not only did I get to see the best superhero/comic book movie since The Dark Knight or Iron Man (take your pick), but Mark Millar and John Romita Jr., the writer and artist of the comic were also in attendance to do...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Saturday Nightmares Expo 2010 (March 19-21)

If you're still itching after attending Monster Mania and need another horror fix, another great horror expo is taking place in Jersey City, New Jersey this weekend. Saturday Nightmares is having a Dead trilogy reunion of sorts with George A. Romero in attendance. Other guests include your Dead trilogy alum:Ken Foree (Dawn)Scott Renieger (Dawn)David Emge (Dawn)Gaylen Ross (Dawn)Tom Pilato (Day)and of course the one and only Tom Savini.Also in attendance...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Last Call (The First Interactive horror movie in theaters...wait say what?)

Well you probably all heard about this little gimmicky horror movie from the coverage last week. If you didn't head over to Dread Central or Horror Squad for more info.Basically 13th Street Films (a company based out of Germany) is promoting the first interactive horror film where a theater-goer gets a call from the protagonist and he or she helps the final girl make decisions in the movie in real time.Read this:The first interactive horror movie...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Splatter Disco (Review)

Splatter DiscoSplatter Disco (2007)Directed by Richard GriffinRichard Griffin and his Scorpio Film Releasing are relatively new to me. I had never heard of his films until I stumbled upon Nun of That (review here). So when I won a contest, I got some other Griffin films as well which included Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon (not gonna review because I've been told if you don't have anything good to say....), Feeding the Masses (possible review...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Patrick Vive Ancora (Review)

Patrick Viva Ancora aka Patrick Still LivesDirected by Mario LandiThe jaded viewer says: Unofficial sequel to the Australian made "Patrick". Has nothing to do with the original but is mildly entertaining in its own right. Plot revolves around some guests who come to a village resort to get some R&R. Unknown to them, telekinetic and ESP coma victim Patrick is on life support and has a rush towards sex and a little bit of the ultraviolence.Using...

Shogun Assassin (Review)

Directed by Robert Houston, Kenji MisumiInsano Steve says: Greatest samurai movie of all time, action-wise. Shogun-less samurai wanders countryside with infant boy in baby carriage in search of redemption, revenge and gore. Our samurai cuts and kills people with such efficiency, O.J. Simpson would be proud.No samurai flick has as much splatter, not to mention the awesome killer cart the baby rides in and some of the coolest bad guys in any movie...