Monday, January 28, 2013

Blackout Haunted House Off Season Winter Haunt Begins This Week

If you blinked, you may have missed it. That's because Blackout Haunted House pulled a twisty twizzler and has decided to have their off season Spring haunt in the dead of a damn cold NYC winter. Here's what they sent over in an e-mail on Thursday. we figured you couldn't wait for spring, so the 2013 nyc off-season events will begin very soon. unlike years past, this year's off-season will be open to anyone and everyone, although a very limited...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Top 10 Horror Movies of 2012

Well here it always in the middle of January my Top Horror Movies of 2012! Sorry for taking so long to get this posted but I had to catch up on some of the movies I missed this year (yet again) I usually look at other bloggers and horror site's lists and watch the movies that I missed. This year, there is no #11-20 list. I just didn't see that many movies this year. It was one of those years I just lacked on the horror movie watching...

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Loved Ones (Review)

The Loved Ones The Loved Ones (2012) Directed by Sean Byrne A standard horror movie runs about 90 minutes. When it runs 80 minutes you start to think "Well, it seems there were some budget concerns". But you can do a lot in 80 minutes and The Loved Ones does just that. Released in 2009 in Australia, one can only wonder why this movie didn't get at least a theatrical release. Is it because Hollywood plans a remake? God knows they wouldn't have...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Excision (Review)

Excision Excision (2012) Directed by Richard Bates Jr. See the poster on the right? That's actress AnnaLynne McCord. She is extremely hot and beautiful. See the upside down picture of her? That's also her. What you'll get with Excision is more upside down brunette AnnaLynne rather than blonde AnnaLynne. And you know what? It's that brunette "ugly" AnnLynne that makes Excision one hell of a fuckin movie. McCord's complete transformation from...

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Best Elephants and OMG! Movies of 2012

Before I post my top 10 horror movies (yes it's coming soon), I wanted to go over the other movies (yes I saw other non horror flicks) that I thought were super duper awesome this year. From the box office Hollywood juggernauts to the indie spectaculars, these stood out like no other (plus there the only ones I saw). I still can't believe I haven't seen Looper yet. "Box Office Elephants" 1.) Django Unchained: Yummy Tarantino is pure filmmaking...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Best Quotey Quotables from the Worst Movies I saw in 2012

It's that time of year again where I go through all the crappy and mediocre movies I've seen and give you my best witty jabs from each review. Everybody has their worst of 2012 lists. But as I try to AVOID bad films, sometimes I'm unlucky and see some utter crap. The only salvation in seeing horrible movies is they turn into awesome funny reviews. So enjoy some quote snippets from the crap chunks of movies me and my fellow writers saw that...

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

John Dies at the End (Review)

John Dies at the End John Dies at the End (2012) Directed by Don Coscarelli Living in NYC has its perks when it comes to premiere screenings. In this case, courtesy of Bloody Disgusting I got to go to the NYC premiere of John Dies at the End, the new film from Phantasm and Bubba Ho-Tep director Don Coscarelli. The awesome perk was Coscarelli and Exective Producer Paul Giamatti were in attendance and did a Q&A after the screening. Now that's...

Friday, January 04, 2013

Django Unchained (Review)

Django Unchained Django Unchained (2012) Directed by Quentin Tarantino Movies these days are not events. We see a flick and for 90 or so minutes we're entertained. But for some of us who grew up on Quentin Tarantino films, it's a little bit different. I saw Pulp Fiction in the theater. And then all his successive films were must see in the theater. So when Django Unchained came calling, I was buzzed and hyped. And I know why. Because nobody...