Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meat Grinder (Trailer)

Haven't had your fill of human food cannibal films? Was The Untold Story, Three Extreme's "Dumpling" and others not enough?Well Thailand, which I thought only made Muy Thai films has got something new in store for you.Check out the trailer for Meat Grinders. It's delicious. Also head over to Twitch for a full extended trail...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nun of That (Trailer)

As I mentioned before in my most anticipated exploitation and grindhouse movies of 2009, we've got westernsploitation, black doll-sploitation, regular blacksploitation and rape and revenge-sploitation remakes coming this year.Let's add some NUN-FUCKIN-SPLOITATION to the mix.Courtesy of the people who gave us Splatter Disco, comes Nun of That, a flick so fucked up you don't need to be Catholic to get your ass spanked by these kick ass nuns.Thanks...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dollhouse "Target" (TV Review)

Well, I'm going to keep writing reviews for for Dollhouse until its inevitably canceled. And so far in the first 2 episodes, we may not even make it to 5. But that doesn't mean we can't skewer and dissect episode #2 entitled "Target".Check out my hilarious, Whedonesque review at UGO.c...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dark Island (Trailer)

The indie scene seems to not be affected by the recession. Well it could be the fact that these type of movies have miniscule budgets that any relative profit they make is a plus.So its interesting to see directors and writers try different things. In the case of Infected (now called Dark Island), it looks like they're going for a sci-fi/horror/action mish mash of Lost meets the Signal. From the looks of the trailer, we've got a smoke monster, infected...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Most Anticipated Exploitation/Grindhouse Movies of 2009

Every other day, I'm noticing I'm watching a reboot, reimagining or remake of a grindhouse or exploitation flick.While I'm a big fan of the 42nd Street, gutter, street, vile movies of the 1970s, it's been interesting to see what the indie scene has been doing to make them millennium friendly.Because of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse opening the flood gate to making this subgenre cool again, we've seen a rise in the stylistic...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jessicka Rabid (Trailer)

As I said before, the grindhouse and exploitation reboot craze is in full effect. From Bitch Slap to Sick Girl to Run Bitch Run to Black Dynamite, we're getting more of the ready to eat exploitation movies made for the new millennium.But the teaser, promo and full trailer for Jessicka Rabid is a little below the surface when it comes the grindhouse artsy filth of old. This flick is a more grimey, sticky floor, very fucked up exploitation movie via...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friday the 13th (2009) (Review)

Friday the 13th Friday the 13th (2009)Directed by Marcus NispelThere are 2 ways of viewing this reimagining of the Friday the 13th series. One way is to look at it fresh without the 30 somewhat years of history.The kids in the theatre where me and Insano Steve watched this flick were part of this group. Millenials, tweens, Generation Y and Zers. These pseudo horror fans have grown up post Scream, watching horror remake after remake and think these...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Descent 2 (Trailer)

As the #1 movie on my Top 10 Horror Movies of 2006, The Descent proved to be the most scary, unpredictable, claustrophobic monster movie of 2006. Without question, I was Dark Angel syndromed by Juno (played by the hotness of Natalie Mendoza). Would she be back in the sequel??Well you can find out from the trailer below.The sequel plot is also below.Plot o ramaPicking up from where the last movie left off (THAT BE THE US VERSION), Sarah escapes the...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dollhouse (TV Review)

I do watch TV. Just had to point that out to everybody as you may just see tons of movie reviews on here but no TV or Internet reviews. A few shows I'm fandoming are Lost, BSG, Heroes (unfortunately) and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (double unfortunately).I'm also a big Joss Whedon fan which to say the least is like having a geekdom ID pass.So when I got to review his new show Dollhouse before it premiered on Friday, I was thrilled.As you...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Top 5 Scenes in Friday the 13th Part 3

It's Friday the 13th. Today the overhyped reimagining is released. I should be reviewing that soon. But alot of fans weapon up when you bring up the question which Friday is the best. Part 2? Part 6? Original?I have always thought Part 3 is the best. It's classic, taking the legend in the first 2 and adding more.The thing about the Fthe13th films is you have to grade them on a curve. They should include the following:1.) Jason Voorhees (or his mom)2.)...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Infestation (Trailer)

Off the press from Twitch, I discovered this interesting little diddy of a flick called Infestation. From Kyle Rankin, director of The Battle of Shaker Heights (a Project Greenlight flick) , this flick looks like a Eight Legged Freaks and Slither all mixed into one.Here be the plot.Our hero, Cooper, awakes to find himself nauseous, weak and covered in webbing, hanging from the ceiling of an office where, just minutes ago, he started his new job....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Friday the 13th: Jason's Bodycount

As we gear up for the reboot, I'll admit I think Part 3 is the best of the series. I'll explain why later on this week.But for now, lets stop hyping up the reimagining and look fondly on the 138 confirmed (or semi confirmed as lots of shit happens offscreen) kills of Mr. Jason Voorhees.This dude did a good job of excluding Part 1 and Part 5. Kudos dude, you know your sh...

Monday, February 09, 2009

NY Comic Con Wrap Up

So I attended the last day of the New York Comic Con. All in all, a good time. My inevitable goal was to see my master, Joss Whedon flurry the crowd with this twisted vocabulary which I've tried to mimic with my ridiculous reviews.First, a few booths of note. Anchor Bay gave away free DVDs and I snagged a not so fitting Medium size Masters of Horror T-shirt. I also got to play the new Nintendo DS Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars game as well as Godfather...

Friday, February 06, 2009

Top 10 Ruggero Deodato Films of All Time

If your noob, your first time hearing the name Ruggero Deodato was from Eli Roth's mouth as he featured a cameo of Deodato as a cannibal doctor in Hostel.If your a jaded viewer like myself, Deodato is in the pantheon of the kick ass directors, legendary and mythic. Deodato's filmography is so filled with awesomeness that it's a testament to the man whose resume includes the best cannibal movie of ALL FUCKIN TIME.So let's count down the best of the...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Stop the Bitch Campaign (Trailer)

I'll tell you straight out. I had never heard of this trilogy of movies by Kosuke Suzuki but I did see he directed Eko Eko Azarak: Awakening. So hearing of this ridiculousness of this series was pretty much an interesting peek into the weirdness of his filmography.So why is this in the jaded viewer's radar?1.) It stars famous Japanese AV stars in the lead roles.The first movie starred Koharu Tohno, the second movie starred Sola Aoi who caused her...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Let The Right One In (Review)

Let The Right One InLet The Right One In aka Låt den rätte komma in (2008)Directed by Tomas AlfredsonWell I said I would watch this movie and see if it deserved a spot on my Top 10 Horror Movies of 2008. It probably deserves a spot, but not in any horror list.Let the Right One In is a great movie, with or without the horror or vampire tag.And it stands alone as a movie that deserves its ongoing praise like snowflakes falling to the ground. This review...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Ink (Trailer)

Every once in a while, I'll get some one sheets of a movie that looks way fascinating. Well the new movie Ink, from director Jamin Winans looks mystically surreal. The trailer, shot on DV HD-ish is textured so crisp, the Eraserhead like visuals are mesmerizing.Check out the plot.Ink follows 8-year-old Emma, through a mysterious dream-world. Dragged along by the mercenary Ink, colorful characters emerge to fight for Emma’s life. This fight also rages within Emma’s tragically broken father, who must come to terms with his demons. It looks like...

Monday, February 02, 2009

My Bloody Valentine 3D (Review)

My Bloody Valentine 3DMy Bloody Valentine 3D (2009)Directed by Patrick Lussier[this review is brought to you by Insano Steve who threw his 3D glasses at the screen at the end of the movie]So, last week I saw "My Bloody Valentine" (in amazing 3D!). The thing is, I should know better, and I really do know better.But I just can't help it. I'm hype's bitch.The deal was the jaded viewer and I would go see either "Notorious" or this shit, whichever one...