Friday, July 31, 2009

Black Devil Doll (NYC Screening)

If all goes according to plan, today should be the day I see Black Devil Doll, one of my most anticipated movies of 2009.The last theatrical screening is today in NYC before it heads over to DVD in October.If your in the NYC area, the info is below.Black Devil DollFriday July 31, 2009 (Midnight)Cinema Village22 East 12th StreetNew York, NY 10003All Tickets: $10.00If you've been stuck in Utah for like forever and missed one of the best trailers to...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Wild Man of the Navidad (Review and Mysterious Comments?!?)

The Wild Man of the NavidadThe Wild Man of the Navidad (2008)Directed by Duane Graves/Justin Meeks[this was a review I wrote for]Buy love old, 70s grindhouse faux documentaries like The Legend of Boggy Creek and the Last like Texas style, beer and moonshine guzzling rednecks getting slaughtered by an unseen "monster" in the Texas dig those Nimoy hosted "In Search Of" Time Life book shows and paranormal...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Hills Run Red (Trailer)

I'm a sucker for horror movies where the plot is the search for snuff or some dastardly sick horror movie that nobody has ever seen.But after seeing the trailer for The Hills Run Red, we may get another course in this subgenre of horror. There has been a reemergence in vintage, slasher flicks with Laid to Rest being the best of the bunch. But this flick follows the tried and true formula of hiking teenagers, gratuitous nudity, an unkillable masked...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Horrorsphere: What We Have in Common

I ran out of horror movies to watch.That's a first. Don't worry, my dealer sent me a new flick to review and it should be up before the week is up. In any case, after reading this post from Freddy in Space I too got inspired to chime in on the awesomeness of being part of the horror blogging community.Taking a cue from BJ-C from Day of the Woman who lists 7 things on why the horror blogging community is the coolest I figured I'd go on a different...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Top 10 Villains from Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies

Arnold is rumored to be in The Expendables. Hopefully he'll be joining the action star packed cast so we can see him kick ass in a brief cameo. But in the meantime, after my 20th viewing of watching Commando on AMC I figured this list was due. Yeah we can rank Ar-nuhld movies forever, but lets rank Arnold villains. Because their quotes are as good as Arnolds, right?So here are the top 10 villains from the Schwarzenegger movie filmography.Top 10 Villains...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Van Damme is Back! Karate (Poster and Plot)

If your a loyal follower of the jaded viewer, you know we are devoted Jean Claude Van Damme fans. So we HAVE to give you obligatory JCVD news feeds.Thanks to Insano Steve for sending over a link and plot summary to JCVD's new movie, Karate. This flick for a while was entitled "The Pit Bull". First, lets discuss the poster. He's shirtless, behind a gate and it's got the tagline:"Can the master of the ancient arts conquer the caged fighters of Las...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Holy Sucka! Black Dynamite and Black Devil Doll (Info and Release Dates)

I recently received e-mails from Scott Sanders, director of Black Dynamite and Shawn Lewis, writer of Black Devil Doll which gave me a happy. It's awesome when both dudes give you props for supporting and giving interweb buzz for their films.First let's start with Black Dynamite, which screened at the Tribeca Film Festival (which I missed catching it at).The official release date is October 16, 2009.Also, the black forces of power Sanders and star...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wapakman (Teaser Trailer)

Manny PacquiaoBatistaNicole ScherzingerWhat do all these people have in common? Well there going to be in Topel Lee's new movie Wapakman of course. What were you expecting? A Pussycat Dolls, WWE boxing match?What is this movie about? Who the hell knows. But here is what we know.Wapakman is the story of a superhero, played by pound for pound king Manny Pacquiao. Fil-Am WWE wrestler Batista plays the villain while Pussycats Dolls hottie Nicole Scherzinger...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Raging Phoenix (Trailer)

Holy fuckin cow. I just wet myself. After the "ehh oh wow" that was Ong Bak 2, Tony Jaa is sooo yesterday. Just let me watch JeeJa Yanin kick ass again makes the jaded viewer a happy boy.So what will we get to see in her new movie following her debut after Chocolate?An romantic action-omedy!Mega intense training montage!!You Got Served meets Ong Bak!!!Chinese Drunken Fist vs Drunken Muay Thai!!!!Choreographed Doubles tag team fight movies!!!!!Starring.....The...

Monday, July 20, 2009

the jaded viewer in the horrorsphere press

People ask me why I started the jaded viewer.Simple.One day, I'd like to see a quote from one of my reviews on the back of a DVD box. I just think that would be mega cool.I've come close. Toby Wilkins, the director of Splinter posted a review blurb on his tumblr blog.And a few others have been putting links to my reviews on their sites. I've compiled a few of them below. Click on the image to go to the jaded viewer blurb.So yeah, this is just a me...

Friday, July 10, 2009

the jaded viewer goes on vacation

This will be my last post for a week as I go on a much needed vacation. If its anything like The Ruins, I'll be the one chopping off my own leg. Or I may be abducted like in Turistas. Or even worse, end up in a motel like in Vacancy.Umm. On second thought......So while I'm gone, feel free to dig around and read my reviews. I may also be tweeting on this little adventure and may be checking up the comments every now and then.If major horror news happens, leave a comment and let me know as I won't know what the hell is happening around the horror-sphere.It's...

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Header (Review)

HeaderHeader (2006)Directed by Archibald FlancranstinWhat is a header?Oh that's the big question that everybody asks and no one wants to give the answer to.And you're not going to get anything out of me in this review.Because if you are going to watch this movie, you need to see it for yourself, through virgin eyes. Because after seeing Header, I can honestly say I felt like I was covered in filth and vomit. And that's actually a good thing.I call...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Evil Things, Ink, Thirst, Black Devil Doll (NYC Screenings)

July is going to rock in terms of mega cool films having their premieres in NYC. I'm glad I live here. If you're in the area, a bunch of movies I've reviewed, previewed and am psyched for will be in theatres soon.Evil Things (check out my review), Ink (check out the trailer), Thirst (check out the trailer) and Black Devil Doll (check out the trailer) will have screenings this month. I've listed them below so you all have a heads up. You will be sure...

Sweet Karma (Trailer)

The subgenre of rape and revenge is still alive and kickin. But this time with a twist. Because it seems our heroine in this one kicks ass for all exploited women. Tack another Must See exploitation/grindhouse movies of 2009.Check out the plot below.There’s an underground sex trade in Toronto that few people know about. It’s a modern day world of slavery controlled by organized crime that under its thin veil of beauty and seduction is rife with drugs...

Monday, July 06, 2009

The Eagle Path (Full Extended Trailer)

A new extended trailer has been released for The Eagle Path, the new character action movie from the muscles from Brussels, Jean Claude Van Damme.We still have no fuckin idea when this is going to get released but I love how the new trailer sums up the plot to obliterate people so that he can rescue a women (who I think is a hooker).He then recruits a bunch of his buddies to help him.Hmm, maybe this is why Jean Claude turned down The Expendables....

the jaded viewer is now on Twitter

Well I might as well join this damn thing as it seems to be the thing to do. And normally I don't do the thing thats the thing to do but maybe I can get some followers to enjoy the dippity do da reviews of the jaded viewer.So if your on there, go ahead and check out my twitter page and start following me or whatever. I think most of my tweets will just be updates to the site.However, some of my tweets might go like this:Just saw Transformers 2. Insano...

Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy Independence Day from the jaded viewer!

Technically it's July 3rd but tomorrow you get to go all patriotic. And what's more patriotic than Uncle Sam.Go have your BBQ, eat some red meat and potato salad and watch all those Michael Jackson tributes on E.And catch up on some horror and anything you missed on the jaded viewer. And don't be shy about commenting. Share your 2 cents on anything I've written be it you agree or disagree. If your on Google Connect, add yourself below and subscribe...

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Home Sick (Review)

Home Sick Home Sick (2007)Directed by Adam WingardI first heard about Adam Wingard and E.L. Katz when I first viewed Wingard's short Laura Panic. It starred this hot Scarlet Johansson lookalike Hannah Hughes and I was entrenched by the short short too short story.So of course I IMDBed Wingard and saw he'd directed two flicks, this one and Pop Skull.We here at the jaded viewer told you about this flick in July of last year. Well I finally got around...