Friday, February 26, 2010

Can't we all just get along? (Racial Satire at its raciest)

With February being Black History Month, I could have done what Andre @ The Horror Digest has been doing all month and honoring famous black actors and movies. But we here at the jaded viewer tend to skew our look at black history with a different perspective. I've already put up my sarcastic A Not So Good Moment in Black Horror Movie History (if you have another suggestion, let me know)African Americans have blended into pop culture and should be...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The few, the proud, the Horror Blogger Alliance

Over the last few weeks, the horror blogosphere has had it's share of controversial issues (awards, etc) which seem in retrospect were a little nitpicky yet oddly mesmerizing.We went into an award frenzy. But that's not the main point of this post. More so it's the fact that somebody decided not to divide the blogosphere but unite us.That's where Carl @ I Like Horror did. Early this month, he started the Horror Blogger Alliance.What is the Horror...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The WTF List: Jennifer's Body

Well everybody has done regular reviews, screencap reviews, quotey quotable reviews of Jennifer's Body. But nobody has done a trademarked jaded viewer WTF List of this movie.Honest to blog, thank the cheesy fries for me.So here is The WTF List: Jennifer's Body Edition. Beware, I'm going all Buffy comparison in this list.1.) OK, let's get it outta the way. She may look whorey, but Megan Fox is fuckin hot2.) This movie is like an episode of Buffy....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birdemic: Shock and Terror (Trailer)

Well if you've been stuck in a fridge lately, you may have missed the awesomness of the soon to be newet cult phenomenon Birdemic: Shock and Terror. The trailer is superbly, brilliantly uber bad its kick ass. Going to be released theatrically (really, get the fuck outta here!) by Severin Films, this is truly the greatest bad movie in our lifetime. It makes SyFy original movies look like Citizen Kane. It makes Uwe Boll look like Spielberg.Birdemic...

The Shortround: The Sweet Hand of the White Rose (Trailer)

Davide Melini (director of the short: The Puzzle) dropped me a line to tell me that the teaser and trailer are now live for his new short "The Sweet Hand of the White Rose".Here is the plot:"How many times have you had a bad day? How many times have you thought you would run away from everyone and everything? That is exactly what happens to Mark. In order to forget about a heated discussion with his girlfriend, he decides to get in the car and go far away. But a little mistake will change his reality forever...". A few facts: It's a 16 min short...

Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Supernatural TV Shows You May Have Forgotten

I just want to say, for the record that I do watch TV. :-P I'm a big Lost fan and an even bigger Joss Whedon fan (as you can tell from my very active reviews of Dollhouse). But a DVD release of a TV show I had watched years back jogged my memory of a few other TV shows that I use to watch back in the day.I'm guessing you may have forgotten these. And if by some miracle, you remember any of these shows (which is why I'm writing this post), it'll be...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Nun of That (Review)

Nun of ThatNun of That (2009)Directed by Richard GriffinI've been on an exploitation kick of sorts. Having seen Bitch Slap and singing the praises of Black Dynamite and Black Devil Doll, its been all 'sploitation all the time.I hyped the film a while back and after winning a contest on Alternative Cinema, I got 4 DVDs from Shock-O-Rama Cinema including Nun of That.So after cheering the shit out of the other 3 movies above, where does this heavenly...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Shortround: Uncle Jack

From Double Edge Films and Jamin Winans, the director of one of the best indie films of last year, Ink comes their newest short: Uncle Jack!Double Edge Films was recently commissioned by Pentax cameras to make a short film. Most of the actors from Ink are back in this one, so your bound to see some familiar faces.It stars a few of the Ink crew including Chris Soren Kelly, Quinn Hunchar, Jeremy Make, and Shelby Malone.Check out the short below!That...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Midnight Movie (Review)

Midnight MovieMidnight Movie (2008)Directed by Jack MessittThe tagline for Midnight Movie is "The New Face Of Horror".Wow, such freakin bravado isn't it? Well the dude to the left is a new face, as I mean I've never seen em before. But its not like he's going to win rookie Slasher of the Year or anything.Chromeskull won that award last year.Not much to say about this flick. It's your generic MTV generation hack and slash, slasher film. It's got an...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shut Yo Mouth! Black Dynamite is out on DVD/Blu-Ray Today!!!

Did you know that if you purchase Black Dynamite on Blu Ray or DVD you SAVE an orphan from being addicted from smack???You didn't know that did you? Well it's true. I know you guys don't want to see a 6 year old, addicted to smack breaking into your home, playing your Xbox 360, drinking a Dr. Pepper and then selling your horror collection for a fix.So do something about it! By purchasing Black Dynamite, you get that kid off the street and into a...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Summer School (Review)

Summer SchoolSummer School (2006)Directed by Lance Hendrickson/Troy McCall/Mike P. Nelson/Steven Rhoden/Ben TrandemHoly #2 pencil! Summer School was a shockingly damn good indie horror flick. Let me preface by saying I have to thank CTK @ Planet of Terror for being the winner of his Summer School contest he had last year. I submitted my own high school story and surprisingly won.CTK has done extensive research into the film and has written a review...

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Shortround: Suicide Girl and Fewdio Shorts

The one thing that I've been not familiar with is the world of web horror and horror shorts. I've been trying to correct this with my ongoing The Shortround series where I put up shorts or web series that I think are pretty cool.So after stumbling on a short by Drew Daywalt called Suicide Girl via Horrorland, I must say I was impressed. Once you see something you like, you start Fox Mulder-ing the investigation to see what else you can find. Thus,...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Not So Good Moment in Black Horror Movie History

I enjoy seeing white teens get slaughtered by unkillable slashers as the next horror fan but we'd hope Jason Voorhees and his alum would be equal opportunity slashers. The Friday the 13th series proved that even the token black guy (or girl) in the movie got some good shots in before they were ultimately slaughtered.But one man, Julius Gaw gave Jason Voorhees a run for his money in Friday the 13th Part VIII Jason takes Manhattan.So in honor of Black...

Valentine's Day is better when you scare the one you love

Having been to Blood Manor for Halloween, it really is quite an experience to say the least. So for you New York and Tri-State peeps, Blood Manor is going to be open Valentine's Day Weekend.What is Blood Manor? It's one of the best haunted attractions in this here city. So if your feeling blue this Valentine's Day, cheer up and get scared..or better yet scare the shit out of your significant other.Here be the press release in its hyped up glory.Blood...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bitch Slap (Review)

Bitch SlapBitch Slap(2009)Directed by Rick JacobsonBitch Slap was one of my most anticipated exploitation movies of 2009. I mean the trailers oozed of gratuitous sex, violence and boobies. So without a doubt in my mind, I knew I needed to see this pronto. Well it took me a while but I finally got to see this throwback to all that is grindhouse and exploitation of old.Bitch Slap is an homage to those genres, ripe with T&A and some serious amounts...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Shortround: Contact (Review)

I never heard of Jeremiah Kipp until he sent over a link to his latest short Contact. But a quick search on his name and his career comes into clear view on the interweb. So never turning a deaf ear on the indie scene, I watched the short (and you can view here).the jaded viewer says: Simply, its a story about a couple (a black dude who look like Andre 3000 and a white woman) who score some crack, get naked and smoke it. But it's done a little more...

Monday, February 08, 2010

Frozen (Review)

FrozenFrozen (2010)Directed by Adam GreenI'm not going to lie. I got caught up in the hype for Adam Green's new movie Frozen. I absolutely loved Hatchet, dug Spiral and have enjoyed all the ArieScope shorts (including some awesome Halloween themed shorts). So suffice it to say, I am a big fan of Green and his work.So my bias had me giving this movie 4 spinkicks even before I saw it. But I realized I needed to review this flick with some sort of...