October is right around the corner and the jaded viewer is in full swing to bring you reviews of all the New York City haunted houses. I'm going to try my hardest to hit all these HH's below.These include:Nightmare: Fairy Tales (REVIEW NEXT WEEK!)Nightmare: Z DayBlackout Haunted House (via Vortex Theater)Blood ManorSteampunk Haunted HouseAfter Dark: The Haunting (Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum)I know some of my HH reviews have gotten some NEW jaded...
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (Insano Steve Review)
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer
[this review brought to you by Insano Steve, who after a long hiatus was forced at gunpoint to write his thoughts after seeing Tox Six's The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence]Rather than give a full review of Human Centipede 2, I thought I'd go through some things that I liked about the movie, and some that I didn't. In honor of the centipede, I broke it down into 10 good and 10 bad things.GoodThe gore and special effects are excellent. Much more...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (Review)
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer

The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)Directed by Tom SixSometimes your poop comes in pellet form, other times you need to set up a level 10 quarantine. It's these rather crude analogies that I've conjured up that equate themselves to the original and sequel for The Human Centipede . After eating a burrito, sometimes you fear the worst and sometimes that trip to the bathroom turns out not as bad as you thought...
Friday, September 16, 2011
A Jaded Viewer Giveaway: DVD of your choice!!!
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer

I'll be honest. This giveaway isn't going to be as awesome as The House of the Devil VHS Collectable. The 3 movies I was planning on giving away are pretty mediocre (some will say it sucks monkey balls) but hey it's free if you win right?So for this giveaway, if you win you'll have a choice of which movie you want. I haven't seen any of these flicks. You can IMDB them for reviews. They are unopened and were saved from the trash bin. But one man's...
Categories: after dark, giveaway, horror giveaway, jadedviewer, sweeps, sweepstakes, the jaded viewer
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sweatshop (Review)
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer

SweatshopSweatshop (2009)Directed by Stacy Davidson"It's always the quiet ones that cut your dick off while you're not looking"-Token black guy DJIt's rare to see a film that takes the slasher formula and hammers in the gore relentlessly. If there is one thing that nails this down, it's Sweatshop, a splatter soaked gore-o-thon that gives us sex, beats and a big fuckin sledgehammer.Director Stacy Davidson and writer Ted Geoghegan clearly went for...
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Remaining Best of the Rest Horror Movies of 2011
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer
With about 4 months to go, I've scanned the remaining upcoming horror schedule for the rest of 2011 and picked my favorites. Of course I don't know if any of these will actually be good but one can only hope they live up to their buzz.I always think the best horror movies usually release around Halloween (for obvious reasons) and then the battle for the horror supremacy gets packed with contenders.Let's see if any of these pan out.10.) American Horror...
Categories: 2011 horror movies, chillerama, horror movies, piranha 3d, the human centipede
Friday, September 09, 2011
iCrime (Review)
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer

iCrimeiCrime (2011)Directed by Bears FontéThe Truth and Cyberspace CollideThat's the tagline for iCrime, a stylized, indie film 2.0 that uses the MTV formula to tell a story about a Midwestern girl finding her way in the City of Angels.I'll be honest, the poster and trailer make it look like it's a late night Skinemax after dark production. Go watch the trailer and don't tell me you didn't expect a scantily clad female seducing a dude to show up....
Categories: breaking glass pictures, crime thriller, independent cinema, indie film, thriller
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
The Coffin (Review)
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer

The Coffin
The Coffin (2008)
Directed by Ekachai Uekrongtham
It's been a while since I've seen a film via the Pacific rim be it J, K, HK or T-horror. In this case, the T is Thai horror with a Singapore flavor mixed in. The Coffin is an example of a film that's distributed abroad across all the countries bordering the Pacific Ocean. From Korea to Japan to China to the Philippines, each of these countries has a supernatural angst to the highest...
Categories: breaking glass pictures, indie horror, superstitions, thai horror movies, thai movies, the coffin
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
The Winner of The Jaded Viewer Giveaway: The House of the Devil VHS is......
Posted on 11:00 AM by the jaded viewer
Thanks to all who participated in this giveaway. It was very interesting to read all your answers to who would be your celebrity babysitter for a night. I mentioned my babysitter would be Ellen Page who I think is super duper awesome. But check out the list below of who others picked to be their babysitter.
OprahJean Claude Van DammeJamie Lee Curtis (The ultimate babysitter.)ElviraWerner HerzogEmily PerkinsJoe Bob BriggsMila KunisHulk HoganJulianne...
Monday, September 05, 2011
The Human Centipede (Full Sequence) - Teaser Trailer
Posted on 2:00 PM by the jaded viewer
Who knew Australia was more hardcore than Britain and the USA? It seems Tom Six's sequel to his infamous The Human Centipede (full review here) is being released uncut and uncensored down under. Those lucky blokes.
Check out the Aussie teaser trailer for THe Human Centipede Full Sequence below. No footage from the film is shown, just more reaction from supposed viewers.
Here's the original teaser with Tom Six.
What do you think? Is this...
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