Friday, January 30, 2009

Isle of the Damned (Review)

Isle of the Damned Isle of the Damned (2008)Directed by Mark ColegroveSometimes the legends get parodied into oblivion.Think about it. George A. Romero, the living legend maestro of zombie films made a half ass zombie pseudo diary flick while in comparison zombie horror comedies are scoring hit after hit.The same can be said about the cannibal genre. Before his death, Italian Ed Wood, Bruno Mattei was generating badly made homage after homage to...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yatterman (Trailer)

Takashi Miike heads to NY Comic Con this year to premiere Yatterman, his new film based on a Japanese anime of the same name.So what's the hype all about?Why would Miike come all the way to America to show us this insanity of this live action cartooney craziness before the manga and anime loving otaku's of his homeland?Because from the trailer below, it's something us geeky American nerds, comic lovers and manga and anime obsessed Ameri-taku's are...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dismal: Eat or Be Eaten (Review)

Dismal: Eat or Be EatenDismal: Eat or Be Eaten (2008)Directed by Gary KingWhat kind of rating do you give to a movie that falls into it's so bad, it's good enough to be MST3K-ed and thus makes it funny enough to watch?1 and half spinkicks? 2 spins? 2 and half?Because that's how I felt about how I had to rate Dismal.You'll see what I gave it at the end of this review.Dismal: Eat or be Eaten is like a Dharma Initiative can labeled "HORROR MOVIE...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Adam Green's arieScope Pictures (Shorts)

Adam Green's (the man behind Hatchet) production company, ArieScope Pictures has developed so far some awesome flicks. Hatchet, Spiral and the recently premiered at Sundance Grace are receiving uber coolness reviews.But I recently got to check out a few of the shorts him and his team have created on YouTube.And I've got to say, they are fuckin funny.Some have the horror vibe, others are ridiculously clever ha ha's. I'm hooked on some Ariescope joints. Now I got the munchies.Check out a few of the mega LOL shorts that made nose milk.The TivoKing...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wild Country (Review)

Wild CountryWild Country (2005)Directed by Craig StrachanWhen you have turn on the English subs for an English language movie, aye mate, this is going to be eh fuckin hell of a movie.Well invoke Braveheart, because the Scots seem to be monopolizing the werewolf genre. Oops. I just ruined the entire movie for you. That's ok, because I saved you 70 minutes.Wild Country is a step above Sci-Fi channel-ish quality. With mucho gracias gore and blood, a...

Friday, January 23, 2009

3D Eyeballs are FRAKIN cool

Do you remember the scene above? It was in Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D. Jason squeezes some poor schmuck's head and his eyeball goes flying out in 3D gooeyness.C'mon, you know it. It's the fuckin most memorable scene in Part 3. Besides the harpoon, the flaming iron, the yo yo and the stick.I believe Part 3 is one of the best of the series. He gets his mask, the kills are all set up to be in gratuitous 3D and we get the "last scare" ending. Good times....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rewind: Man Bites Dog (Trailer)

I've been watching horror movies for well over 20 years. And I went through a big indie movie period as a teenager where I wanted to see totally obscure flicks...sorta going all Jarmuschy.One of the flicks that sticks with me is a French horror-omedy called Man Bites Dog.Shot in a docustyle, it follows a serial killer named Ben who has a camera crew documenting his life.It's so disturbing and sick and fuckin revolting, that you want to watch more.This...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leif Jonker's Darkness (Review)

DarknessDarkness (1993)Directed by Leif Jonker[review was originally at Aylmer's Grisly Grimey Page of Unspeakable Horror, circa 1999]Darkness has a tagline "Even the dead will scream". For the people who've watched this film it should go "The Alive will laugh". Darkness is a low budget, amateurish vampire gorefest by Leif Jonkers. So with a name like that you'd expect it to be good.It's not all that bad if you view it under the constraints and guidelines...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tokyo Gore Police (Review)

Tokyo Gore PoliceTokyo Gore Police aka Tôkyô zankoku keisatsu (2008)Directed by Yoshihiro NishimuraI made a mistake. The Machine Girl ended up as #7 on my Top 10 Horror Movies of 2008. Tokyo Gore Police should be there instead.Actually it should probably be in the top 5. But alas, what's done is done. I can't go ahead and change the list. I mean I'm one of those people that once its posted, its set in stone.Let's just have TGP and Machine Girl...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Captain Berlin vs Hitler (Trailer)

Oh where have you been Jorg?Jorg Buttgereit hasn't made a movie in 16 years. 16 FRAKIN YEARS.He directed an episode of Lexx 10 years ago according to IMDB and has directed a couple of documentaries. But no feature.But that's about to end.Insano Steve checked out his IMDB page and he discovered a new flick!!!Captain Berlin vs. HitlerWTF!!! AWESOME!!!We're going to get to see:Captain Berlin vs Nazi She-Wolf Dr. Ilse Von Blitzen!Captain Berlin vs Dracula!!andCaptain...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

End of the Line (Review)

End of the Line End of the Line (2006)Directed by Maurice DevereauxI think I found the new trend in horror movies. Not zombies, or remakes or something French. Nope.It's horror movies that take place on a train.Mark my words. 2009 will be filled with killers on trains that attack people.We've already got a taste of it with The Midnight Meat Train and a few others are coming out like Train and Stag Night.So it's important I get on the bandwagon and...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Toby Wilkins comments on Splinter review

"Splinter is a monumental achievement in indie horror done super duper right." Sometimes it's nice to hear that a director checks out what the horror fans are saying about their movies. It makes a nice connection between us and them and that there is a community that supports the filmmaker and vice versa.I like that. It makes me feel all anti-sad and stuff.I also like that Splinter's director Toby Wilkins liked my review. Because I really liked his...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Perkins 14 (Review)

Perkins 14Perkins 14 (2009)Directed by Craig Singer**Opening Disclaimer**It took me a total of 7 hours to watch Perkins 14. Yes, you read that right....7 FUCKIN HOURS!!!Fuck you AMC theatres!Let me tell you about my experience watching Perkins 14 which in a nutshell turned out to be the single worst movie theatre going experience I've ever evaaaaaaaaaaar had.The AMC on 11th and 3rd in NYC is the only theatre showing all the After Dark movies. The...