Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Pairs of Arnold Schwarzenegger Films that are Unintentionally Connected

During Hurricane Irene, I bummed around the web looking for inspiration for a new feature. Shit, I had a few hours to burn before the hurricane-apocalypse (which turned out to be a dud). Remembering old conversations Insano Steve and I had and giving a quick glimpse of Arnold Schwarzenegger's filmography, one can find many instances where Arnold's films tend to blend together. [light bulb appears over head!] Sure Arnold has made a ton of film series...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Strigoi (Review)

Strigoi Strigoi (2009) Directed by Faye Jackson I don't get it. Every other reviewer seems to think this was a creative and unique take on the old Romanian legend that spawned the vampire. Maybe I have ADD and can't stand long, boring scenes of nothing. Maybe I don't get the humor in this. Maybe I don't understand why Romanians speak English. Maybe I don't get the fact the film is goofing around with a generational gap. Maybe I just don't get...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program....

Well with Hurricane Irene about to hit NYC, the Jaded Viewer might be on hiatus until things all settle down and return to normal. Here's hoping this is all hype and it's not as bad as they say. On the horizon are some screener reviews and a few more features for you to chuckle on. I'll keep you posted on this pending apocalypse and you can follow me on Twitter for any updates. Stay safe East Coasters...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stake Land (Review)

Stake Land Stake Land (2011) Directed by Jim Mickle When I saw the trailer for Jim Mickle's Stake Land, I have to say I got excited. Mickle's Mulberry Street to me is one of the best films to come out of the lame-o After Dark Horrorfests. So after tackling zombies, the next logical step has to be vampires right? Stake Land draws a world of post apocalyptic America filled with non sparkly vampires and religious extremism taken to it's most extreme....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tucker and Dale vs Evil (Review)

Tucker and Dale vs Evil Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2011)Directed by Eli CraigSometimes looks can be deceiving and that's never been more evident in Eli Craig's Tucker and Dale vs Evil.The fun in Tucker and Dale is that it takes the redneck/hillbilly slasher and turns it upside down. What if the hillbillies were just regular Joe Schmoes and the douchebaggy college kids were the dumb schmucks that caused 'da killin.If you ever saw Wrong Turn, Friday...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Help get Before The Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon made!

The best horror movie of 2007 needs your help for a sequel and from the synopsis it looks pretty interesting. Leslie Vernon wants to do a Part 2 and as you can see in the video below he needs your help to get it done. By pre-ordering the BluRay/DVD and buying other stuff, YOU THE VIEWER help the film get made and ensure a sequel can be greenlit. BTM: The Return of Leslie Vernon is one of the best slasher mockumentaries in recent years and for them...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

5 Social Media Sites that would reinvent the horror movie

I've been thinking a lot how our lives have all changed with social media. I check my iPhone constantly. On the train to work, waiting for my food, on the shitter (yeah you do it, don't lie). I'm pretty sure 95% of the people who are reading this are on Facebook. I'm betting 60% are on Twitter. Maybe 30% on Foursquare. The funny part is that our horror movies don't reflect this. Every new horror movie you see, some poor soon to be dead schmuck is...

Friday, August 12, 2011

5 Horror Movies Hollywood will NEVER remake (because they don't know how to)

OK, maybe I shouldn't have said NEVER. Because knowing Hollywood, anything is possible if they think they can make a buck. Hell I was going to put Hitchcock's The Birds on this list but according to IMDB there is a remake on the way. Sigh. I always assume Hollywood would never touch the horror classics to remake. And you'll see some are on this list. But here are 2 flicks that probably won't be remade either. HONORABLE MENTIONS Cannibal Holocaust the...

Monday, August 08, 2011

Exit 33 (Review)

Exit 33 Exit 33 (2011) Directed by Tommy Brunswick Really? $20 to fill up a tank of gas? Clearly this film takes place in bizarro world. Exit 33 is not a good movie. To say it's a piece of crap is to insult crap. I mean that poster says it all doesn't it? Kane Hodder and his menacing stare armed with a tire iron? This is the best you got for this man? Sigh. What could have been a Hodder Hatchet-like performance turns to crap. Exit 33 is the...

Friday, August 05, 2011

Asylum Seekers (Review)

Asylum SeekersAsylum Seekers (2009)Directed by Rania Ajami Lock me up and throw away the key.Now this movie was tons of crazy fun. And when I say crazy, its literally crazy. Rania Ajami's Asylum Seekers is a film I haven't seen....well ever. It's like seeing a collage of crazy and making sense of it all. It's not going to be easy but your damn pesky brain tries.Asylum Seekers is like Terry Gilliam's Brazil but in a mental institution. It's full wacky...

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Kickstarter/Indie GoGo: Are filmmakers bribing us for money?

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Monday, August 01, 2011

A Jaded Viewer Giveaway: The House of the Devil Collectable Clamshell VHS

After a few weeks of voting, the most requested item for the giveaway was by far The House of the Devil VHS Collectable. It garnered 19 votes and I don't need any more time to make it the featured item in this jaded viewer giveaway.I reviewed this film waaaaay back when. Babysitter meets the devil flick. I gave it 2 spinkicks. I kind of liked Babysitter Wanted a little bit better but I can't be to harsh with this flick. I mean Ti West created a...