I just want to thank the bloggers who mentioned my site for this award. This includes:
- Freddie @ Full Moon Reviews
- Jen @ Zombies are Magic
- Rhonny @ Dollar Bin Horror
- Brandon @ Big Daddy Horror Reviews
Award Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (in no particular order…)
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.
Last year's awards fiasco has prompted me to not do #3 and #4. My blogroll to your right is filled with Versatile Bloggers and they have all probably gotten this award in some fashion.
Let's just say, the horror/movie blogosphere has the best community on the interwebs and as long as we support and comment on each other's blogs, it's going to continue to get better.
As for the 7 things....
1.) I absolutely hate tourists.
2.) I have mild insomnia
3.) I once saw 7 movies in one day at the same theater (they were all crappy movies)
4.) I played a zombie once in a short film (I never saw the film)
5.) I'm a devout Rockstar Games fan
6.) I start my day with some NOFX every morning
7.) I'm heading to Texas next month. Dallas, Austin and Houston are all stops..so where my bloggers at for a blog meetup!
Thanks again for supporting the site!
I almost didn't follow through with the passing on of the award myself, but figured why not do it one more time. And word to starting days to NOFX...one of my favorite bands and Punk in Drublic is a masterpiece!