Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Last of Us is actually one of the best HORROR MOVIES of 2013

When I put Naughty Dog's The Last of Us as one of the best MOVIES of 2013 on my Top 10 list, don't laugh at me OK? It really is a cinematic masterpiece when you separate the fact that it's a video game. The setting (post fungi apocalyptic America), the characters (Joel and Ellie are the video game version of Dad and Son from The Road) and the plot which is filled with twists and turns and just pure WTF. It really is without a doubt one of the...

Monday, August 26, 2013

You're Next (Review)

You're Next You're Next (2013) Directed by Adam Wingard I won't lie. I've been waiting to see this film for a while. The festival buzz was high and I've been a big fan of director of Adam Wingard for a while since his Home Sick, Pop Skull and his short film type days. After seeing VHS and VHS 2, I was a little worried Wingard's shorts were not up to par on what I knew he was capable of. But with You're Next, Wingard steps up to the spotlight...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blackout Haunted House Returns.....with Elements

Straight after they announced they were joining forces with Blumhouse Productions to create a live interactive experience related to The Purge, Blackout Haunted House announced their fall/Halloween event with.... Blackout Elements. Some of the trailer looks familiar to me, but Blackout usually saves their best for Halloween so who knows what to expect. Preview tickets are now on sale at the official site. Check out the trailer below.     The...