Thursday, September 27, 2012

IAmA REAL Blackout Haunted House Survivor, AMA

Some guy on Reddit is claiming he's been to Blackout Haunted House. I mean sure, if you've gone to 1 haunt last year, you're a survivor....but does that make you can expert? Fuck no. You've read my walkthroughs and reviews and I think I can do a better job of answering your questions and so can The Raven & Black Cat who's been to most of them as well. Head over to OUR IAMA and ask away...

Hello Reddit! Check out all my Blackout Haunted House Reviews!

Hello Reddit! It seems you found my walkthrough of his amazing haunted house in NYC. As a fellow Redditor myself, I've posted links to my experiences in the past. Never actually been on the front page though. I've been going to this haunt since 2010 when it was super secret. I've even went to all the Spring haunts (where only 20 people get invites) to participate in glorious horror role playing. All are fucked up as advertised. Check out all my...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blackout Haunted House 2012: Tickets now on Sale

News has hit over at Blackout Haunted House. First, tickets are now on sale. Second, they've opened up a second front in Los Angeles. So LA gets to experience torture terror for the first time. Head over to the official site and Facebook page for more info. Also, they've dropped a new video preview. Check it out below. ...

Monday, September 24, 2012

I Am a Ghost (Review)

I Am a Ghost  I Am a Ghost (2012) Directed by H.P. Mendoza You'll have noticed a lack of reviews of late. I've been focusing on that other blog I do. The other reason for the lack of reviews is I've just been picky in what I've been watching. The horror screeners I get are full of poor men's attempt at what Hollywood wants. That's not what indie horror is. H.P. Mendoza's I Am a Ghost is what indie horror is. I have to be thankful I am...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Dead (Review)

The Dead The Dead (2010) Directed by The Ford Brothers I wrote a list last year of my The Remaining Best of the Rest Horror Movies of 2011. I had only seen 3 movies on that list and now I've seen my 4th. The Dead was #6 on that list and I figured it had the making of a classic zombie film. I wasn't wrong. The zombie craze has died down a bit (we still have The Walking Dead thank the Universe) and so this hit my radar in a big way. It's a film...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Van Damme in Mortal Kombat: Bloodsport Edition

Well this video below is absolutely post worthy. Bravo TheVanDammeFan2009. This made me want to watch Bloodsport all over again. This Van Damme fan has made many such video game Van Damme mash ups but this has gotta be the best. Check it out below. ...