Big Man JapanBig Man Japan (2007)Directed by Hitoshi MatsumotoEverybody talks about trying to get to know somebody else's culture. We Americans talk big, we want to know what life is like outside our borders. But in the end, we mock whats different to us. However, we sometimes embrace other cultures and blend them into our own.So we can sometimes "get" that dry British humor or add in a Mexican phrase into our lexicon. But I gotta admit, I believe...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Blurbs, Blahs, and other Mumbo Jumbo
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
Well share the horror wealth I always say. I recently reviewed Cheerbleeders last week and I thought it kicked ass. Now you too can check it out but only for 2 week.sCheck out Peter Podgursky's 11 minute short full of gothy goths, dumb ass jocks and cheery cheerleaders who go cheercrazy.Black Dynamite premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival last week. The reviews have been coming in and they're all MOTHERFUCKING fantastic. The movie comes out theatrically...
Categories: black dynamite, black dynamite clip, cheerbleeders, cheerbleeders free, cheerbleeders review, lamb, lammys
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dollhouse "Haunted" (TV Review)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
[To save on time and effort, I figured I'd post my review of Dollhouse on the jaded viewer early. Enjoy!]If the Dollhouse gets murdered by the Fox execs, can it be brought back to life? Oddly, with the talk of the DVD and the mysterious “13th episode” being included, the DVD kinda acts like a Dollhousey imprint…right?So not to worry folks. If Fox does cancel our little awesome-rific show, we can all bring it back to life by buying 2 DVDs each of...
Monday, April 27, 2009
Fuck you Chev Chelios! (My thoughts on Crank 2)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
X marks the spotsLook at Amy Smart's titties. You looking? Yeah you are you fuckin alpha male you.I saw Crank 2 last week and it blew me away. Shit was better than Crank. I'm not going to review it as it's nutzoid to even review. I mean if you haven't seen it, stop whatever your doing and see this shit.It's filled with comic book ultraviolence, loads of titties and boobies, crazy shootouts, stereotypical gang members from every race and Jason fuckin...
Categories: amy smart, amy smart naked, bai ling, crank, crank 2, crank 2 trailer, jason statham
Friday, April 24, 2009
Rewind: Series 7: The Contenders
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
We've left them on an island, and seen if they could last. We've locked them in a house, and watched what they would do. And now, we've given them weapons.Yup its a rewind. I've got a few movie reviews upcoming, just need to gather my thoughts and connect four them into a solid color first.In any case, I was perusing my awesome dvd collection and stumbled upon this little gem of a satire of reality TV scummyness. Series 7: The Contenders. Back in...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (Trailer)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
I'm picking Vampire Girl in 7 death matches. Wow now that's a fuckin trailer. Give it up to the Japanese who made the subgenre of arterial/splatter gore films into a blockbuster juggernaut.All this is brought you by Yoshihiro Nishimura, the man who brought us Tokyo Gore Police which I gave a stellar 4 spinkicks too.Thanks to Twitch for the heads up.Check out the trailer below. var addthis_pub="jadedviewe...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Cheerbleeders (Review)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
CheerbleedersCheerbleeders (2008)Directed by Peter PodgurskyI'm a big proponent of up and coming directors to tackle horror as a stepping stone to get their career moving. All the greats have done it. Raimi, Jackson, Craven.We've all seen their first films and raved about how Evil Dead and Braindead and Nightmare are classic iconic horror. So when Peter Podgursky sent me his 11 minute short entitled Cheerbleeders, I knew I'd find it interesting to...
Categories: cheerbleeders, cheerbleeders review, horror short, indepentent horror, indie horror, sam raimi
Monday, April 20, 2009
Butterfly Effect: Revelations (Review)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
The Butterfly Effect 3: RevelationsThe Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (2009)Directed by Seth GrossmanOn my list of movies to see for the After Dark Horrorfest III: 2009, this movie ranked dead last on movies I wanted to see.I never saw the original or its sequel and though I like time travel stories, I just couldn't see myself watching Ashton Kutcher in something he would ultimately fuck up.But Revelations is Kutcher free so I figured its now safe...
Friday, April 17, 2009
After Dark Horrorfest III: 2009 (DVD Reviews)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
You know how much the After Dark Horrorfest III 2009 box set actually cost? $112!!!Get the fuck outta here.You might as well spend that dough on a hooker. At least you know you're getting ripped off.In any case, as you know I've been reviewing all of these movies for your benefit so you can get an idea of what you may be getting into. It's just one man's jaded viewer opinion but honestly they all pretty much suck. What did you expect...a good film?...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Smash Cut (Trailer)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
I'm joining the horror-sphere bandwagon and decided to post the trailer for Smash Cut. Why?It looks spiffy funny. The flick stars David Hess, Michael Berryman, Herschell Gordon Lewis and the porn star turned indie mainstream princess, Sasha Grey.If this were a porn movie, I wouldn't even put down the plot...but it's sorta not. So here it is.After his latest film is met with horrible reviews, Able Whitman sets out to prove the critics wrong by finding...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Bad Biology (Review)
Posted on 12:05 AM by the jaded viewer
Bad BiologyBad Biology (2008)Directed by Frank HenenlotterTagline: A God Awful Love StoryWhen I first heard about this flick, I praised it as the return of Frank Henenlotter, the director of who gave such classics as Basket Case, Basket Case 2, Basket Case 3, Brain Damage and Frankenhooker.Back after a 16 year hiatus, he returns with a blood pumping, pulsating, throbbing (pun so intended) and wacko of a movie called Bad Biology.This twisted little...
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