I think I've been conditioned to respect their opinions because well....they were the only famous movie critics of their time (other than newspaper and local TV news movie critics). I really wanted to know what Siskel and Ebert gave a thumbs up or thumbs down to and that actually affected whether or not I saw a movie (now I just check the Fresh meter on Rotten Tomatoes).
We all still sorta respect what Roger Ebert says via his Twitter but these 2 were so highly respected back in the day, looking back at it now, I can't believe they hated some of my favorite horror movies. They always seemed to put down horror films. So I dug up on YouTube what I consider their reviews of good horror movies.
You'll be surprised by what they gave a thumbs up to.
A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors
Night of the Living Dead (1990)
Silent Night, Deadly Night
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Do you still respect Ebert or other critics in this blogging day and age? Hell, do you even trust my reviews?
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