Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays from the Jaded Viewer

Happy Holidays from've got 2 gifts for all you jaded viewers out there. 2 magnificent kick ass trailers. One for Machine Girl and the other for Mirage Man. Both are foreign flicks that will probably be super mega duper in 2008.Mirgage ManWhy do you think we here at jadedviewer think Mirage Man will kick ass?He's seen 2 Girls 1 Cup....that's fuckin why. Classic viral shit.He also kicks Barney's ass. Thank you Mirage Man. Machine GirlMachine Girl is Japan's answer to Kill Bill and Evil Dead combined.Finally, I'm compiling my Top...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Michael Haneke's Funny Games US Remake Trailer

Here is the trailer for Michael Haneke's Funny Games US Remake.It stars Naomi Watts and Tim Roth.I've seen the original German version and it is unbelievably awesome.According to Haneke, this is a shot by shot remake of his origin...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Steve's Movie Review Of The Day: J-Horror Edition

I know it's been a while since I've updated. But I've been watching a lot of horror and now I soon will have many more reviews to post.So for now I present to you some classic Insano Steve reviews (J-Horror edition)!InugamiInugami (2001)Directed by Masato HaradaRural Japanese village is haunted by ancient spirits of evil which are essentially a scapegoat for all the shit that goes wrong in town. Lady goes through mysterious reverse aging process when she hooks up with new stranger in town. She wishes to leave God-forsaken village but finds it difficult...