Sunday, September 16, 2007's rating system

I wanted to explain our rating system so going forward everybody good get a clear understanding of what we think is good and what is utter shit. As I am a big fan of Jean Claude Van Damme, (even his shitty straight to DVD movies) the rating system is based on Van Damme spin kicks. The Van Damme spin kick, first seen in the movie BloodSport is lethal and a most potent weapon (other than the infamous Dim-Mak) in the arsenal of Frank Dux. In the...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Review of the Day: Halloween (Rob Zombie Remake)

HalloweenHalloween (2007)Directed by Rob ZombieI don't know why Zombie thought he could attempt to remake Halloween. It's just going to fuel the naysayers who love to add fuel to the fire American horror is dead. And though I loved the Devil's Rejects, this piece of floating turd should be flushed down the nearest toilet.The thing about this movie is that the aura of Michael Myers is his ambiguity. All Loomis tells us from Carpenter's version is...

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Steve's Movie Review Of The Day: Rapeman

Rapeman aka Ô Edo Rapeman Rapeman (1996)Directed by Takao Nagaishi Steve's ReviewOnly Japan would do this. If you've become desensitized to violence (and who hasn't?) then it's time to become desensitized to rape. The Rapeman Service is a rape-for-hire business in Japan that works for those who can not find justice otherwise. For a simple retainer, the Rapeman will 'right wrongs through penetration'. Of course, being raped by the Rapeman is such an honor, one wonders if it even qualifies as rape as most 'targets' can only beg to see more of our...