Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rewind: Paradise Villa (Trailer)

If you've seen Oldboy or any of Chan Wook Park's movies, you know the Korean film industry is on the cutting edge of some really jaded movies.

A little gem that came out in 2001 is Paradise Villa.

The plot is well...kinda kooky.

An MMO geek finds out that somebody has stolen his inventory and seeks vengeance on the gamer who swiped it. The gamer lives in "Paradise Villa" and our anti-hero is goes insano killing on the residents of the apartment complex, who themselves are little quirky.

Trust me, I first saw this flick on VCD (yes fuckin VCD) and it's fuckin gore-ific. Blood, splatter and knifes into neck trauma.

Good times. Track this down if you can.

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