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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Extraction (In Development Trailer)

The picture above has warranted some serious urban legend status. Americana hadn't really seen a camel spider and were of course freaked when this circulated on the interwebs. Stories were rampant. Mutant spiders attacking our soldiers?!? Holy fuckin arachnid! So you'd figure somebody would go ahead and create a horror movie by now based on this which is when I stumbled upon this doozy of a trailer from IDX Studios. It's a little SyFy original but it's pretty cheesy fun. Vitals are below.

IDX Studios production of a teaser of Extraction directed by Tom Martwick. Produced by Milko Davis and Russell Reed. Music & Sound by Alvaro Morello.

"EXTRACTION" is a movie project in development. The story is about a platoon of soldiers that become hosts to a new enemy. In an already unstable region, they must battle against a muted species of camel spiders and prevent a sinister military cover-up that could backfire.

I thought the trailer was silly though but I gotta admit, I'd watch this if it was a full length movie. But for now, its like a 3 minute short and it's gorey fun.

Check out the trailer below!

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say... I cannot think of a worse fate than getting attacked by a horde of Camel Spiders. F*cking Arachnids...
