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Monday, January 11, 2010

Best Horror Movies of the Decade (Compilation from the horrorsphere)

Well with my compilation of sites and blogs who put up Best of... and Top 10 Horror Movies of 2009, seems other horror sites put up best horror movies of the decade (2000-2009). I'm like a wiki to all that is lists and I like aggregating things for everyone to make it easier.

So below you will find links to all your favorite sites and blogs that wrote up a Best Horror Movies of thee 2000s decade list.

Now keep saying nice things about me. I like that.


The Worst Horror Movies of the Decade

The Vault of Horror

25 Best Kill Scenes of the Decade

Freddy in Space

Did I miss any sites? If so, let me know in the comments and I'll add them in.


  1. Thanks for the mention! I still can't believe no one else took a crack at doing the worst of the decade, it was so much fun.

  2. Thanks for the shout out, and a nice variety of lists there.

  3. Thanks so much for including my list! =)

  4. I'm like one of the only people who didn't do a "best of" list. Meh, I love reading others. Thanks for one-stop list.

  5. Glad I could include all of you guys. If you see one I missed, let me know and I'll include it in.

  6. Aw man I feel left out now for not doing a best of List! I still feel like I haven't seen enough of the movies that I wanted to, to make a proper list--I am sadly behind.

    Regardless! I gave you one of the boobie-tastic awards. I don't know if you saw it since it seems to have gotten lost amongst the rest of my posts so here it is! Enjoy your boobies!

  7. Actually, I did a worst of the decade list on 12-21-09. :D
    And I love lists, so I'm gonna have fun going through all of these!

  8. Wednesday - Found the link. I'll add it in. If everybody wants to read it see below.

    The Ten Worst Horror Movies of the 00s

  9. Thank you for adding mine!

  10. Very nice, makes my job all the easier since I am a lazy fool lol.. Now BEHIND THE MASK better be on every list got tammit..

  11. Thanks for adding the link to my worst horror of the decade post.

  12. Why is Session 9 on so many of these lists? I've seen it 2 or 3 times now, only revisiting it because of all the good reviews, and I just don't get it. Sure it has an amazing one-of-a-kind horror film location, there are a couple decent scenes. The lights out in the tunnel, being the most notable one, but really, most of the film is downright boring and not scary.
