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Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Themed Horror Movies You May Have Forgotten

Last week my post for HorrorBlips "Horror for the Holiday" blog-o-thon went up. But today, I stick with the holiday theme and dig up some of the lesser known Christmas themed holiday movies.

Sure you know of Silent Night, Deadly Night, Black Christmas, Santa's Slay, Jack Frost and Child's Play but I've tried to dig up the more obscure and forgotten of the Christmas slate of horror. Hmm. Maybe you have heard of some of these but hell it's good to just go into the time machine and reminisce. Most of these are terri-crappy but Treevenge is by far one of the best shorts I've seen in a while. I haven't seen most of these but egads if you have, let me know if they are MST3K worthy or pure garbage. Come to think of it, I may see P2 because of Rachel "Orion Slave Girl/Scarlett" Nichols.

Merry Slaymas!

1.) Psycho Santa

2.) Two Front Teeth

3.) Gingerdead Man

4.) P2

5.) Treevenge


  1. Thumbs up on Gingerdead Man. So bad its good.

    And I don't understand why people dogged P2. I think its pretty decent.

  2. P2 bothered me because as a chick, I found too many different ways that chick could have saved herself and it just annoyed.

    Anyway..great list! Treevenge rules!

  3. Very nice, planning on hitting PSYCHO SANTA within the week! Gotta love terrible ass Christmas Horror!

  4. I thought P2 was actually pretty solid also...much better than expected. I can't believe that trailer for Psycho Santa...I wish I had more time, I would totally review it! And Treevenge IS dope!

  5. lol can't pass up Gingerbread Man 2: The Passion of the Crust.
