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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving means killing poultry! (Poultrygeist's Musical Numbers)

Thanksgiving means killing poultry! Poor little chickens and turkeys dying for your gluttonous stomachs. You bastards! Makes you want to be a vegetarian right? WRONG!

Turkey is just too damn yummy.

But if you watched Troma's Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead you'd think twice about reaching for that drumstick. The jaded viewer is going on hiatus for the Thanksgiving break but the least I can do is leave you some ha ha's while I'm gone. Poultrygeist is indeed one of the funniest Troma films to come out in a while and the musical numbers in this sleazy, oddball flick are hil-freakin-larious. So sing-a-long and enjoy!

(of course after watching these videos you'll totally lose your appetite)

Poultrygeist - "Revenge is a dish best served fried!"

Poultrygeist - "Longing to Live/Waiting to Die"

Poultrygeist - "Murderous General"

Poultrygeist - The Music Video

The 2 musical numbers that are missing are "Generous General" which is an awesome satire musical on fast food and "Slow Fast Food Love" is not anywhere to be found on the interwebs because it has lots of boobies.

Hope you enjoyed all that. Of course I could have posted the standard Happy Thanksgiving post with Eli Roth faux slasher Thanksgiving trailer or did what Freddy in Space and post the Thankskilling trailer. But Matt-suzaka over at Chuck Norris Ate My Baby posted all the horror themed Thanksgiving movies he could find.

Brilliant stuff. So today and tomorrow, go ahead and leave your links via the comments to some Thanksgiving related posts. I want to see what the creative horror blogosphere has come up with on Turkey Day.

And if that turkey comes alive right before you carve it up and starts attacking you...let me be the first to say....I told you so.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. Good call on this one homeslice, love me some sweet ass POULTRYGEIST action! Hope you have a great turkey day with the fam, my inlaws dont cook stuffing so im going to be a sad panda

  2. Turkey is one of the all time greatest creations! Nice angle with Poultrygeist and thanks for the shout out - I hope you had a ful"filling" thanksgiving!
